Special offer for advanced riders

Dahab is a very famous place for windsurfing. In Dahab Lagoon there are 3 different zones for windsurfing: Lagoon(protected area with sand bar), Speedy(flat water and more constant wind), Kamikaze(open sea with swell up to 2-3 meter, no shore breaking waves). Great wind statistics during the whole year and even in a windy a day we have a light wind in front of our centre. It is great for first steps in windsurfing and especially for kids.
This encourage thousands of people to visit Dahab and learn how to windsurf, but what if you are advanced rider and are using smallest boards? Don’t worry, Vetratoria Windsurfing & SUP centre at Swiss Inn Resort offers you free shuttle boat to “Speedy” and back. When you finish you session, just go out of “Speedy”, seat on your board and wave with crossed arms over you head. We will send a boat to pick you up and bring back to centre. Or just call us from mobile or walkie-talkies and we will pick you up whenever you are. Walkie-talkies and original aqua-pack are also available. If you have connection with our centre we also can change sail for you right in Speedy zone. Vetratoria is the only one centre offering this type of service. It will prolong you sailing time and save a lot of power.
Check this pictures to see how people are happy in our boat shuttle without crossing unsuitable area for small boards.
Also we remind you about special offer for rent equipment at Vetratoria windsurfing & SUP centre, Dahab -40% discount from normal rent rate.
See you on the water!